Welcome back, #IronQuesters!

#IronQuest recently teamed up with Tableau Ambassadors, Dzifa Amexo and Emily De Padua to co-host the Women-themed round.

For this round, we were expecting a broad range of viz topics and the entries did not disappoint! We received 11 submissions and welcomed 7 first-time participants to the project!


The co-hosts and I provided feedback to all first-time entrants who requested it during our recent conversation which is now available on YouTube. We had a lot of fun going through the entries and exploring the variety of topics covered.

Listen to/watch our feedback here:

We reviewed the vizzes in alphabetical order, by first name. The video is split into chapters to make it easier for you to jump to vizzes of interest.

We covered vizzes by the following authors, reviewed in this order:

  • Ali Tehrani
  • Aliu Adekola
  • Anindita Mitra
  • Jiwon Kim
  • Katie Shaffer
  • Mohit Kumar
  • Nurudeen Abolarinwa
  • Rida Hamid
  • Victory Omovrah
  • Vignesh Suresh

Now, let us explore the entries!

THANK YOU to everyone who submitted entries for taking the time to create and share your work! Also, thank you to Dzifa and Emily for being fantastic co-hosts.

All entries are posted below in alphabetical order by author’s first name. If you tweeted your viz or thought you submitted one via the Google Form but don’t see it here, let us know and we’ll work to include any additional entries ASAP.

Ali TehraniInternational Women’s Day

Aliu AdekolaHonouring Hers

Anindita MitraPink Tax: Why does it cost more to be a woman?

Jiwon KimUS Presidents and Unforgettable Women

Katie ShafferGender Equality in the European Union

Kimly Scott12 Influential Women Directors

Mohit KumarThe Magic of Shreya

Nurudeen AbolarinwaNgozi Okonjo-Iweala – A beacon of wisdom and resilience

Rida HamidWomen’s Economic Freedom

Victory OmovrahGender Perception of Violence Against Women and Girls

Vignesh SureshMalala Yousafzai : A journey of the youngest Nobel Prize Laureate

We will be launching a brand-new #IronQuest project soon! Stay tuned for more information.

In the meantime, stay up to date with all things #IronQuest by following the hashtag #IronQuest on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Check out the Iron Quest section of my blog for details of the latest projects and how to participate.

Thanks for reading.